Monday, October 05, 2009


There's a nice congruence between the Gospel and the Creation Cycle reading for this Sunday. Both are below in earlier posts.

Mary Oliver asks, "Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Wouldn't we love to go back and ask that question of the rich young ruler. What would he say? An hour before he met Jesus? An hour after Jesus left? A year--or twenty years--later?

I don't think many of us would have gone with Jesus that day on the terms the rich young man was offered. But does that end it? Is it a one-shot deal?

It doesn't seem that way to me.

Ms. Oliver's question may feel bigger in our 20s when we're choosing a vocation, but it's a question we get to live into every day. Even though we've missed the mark one way and another every day up to this point.

What is it we'll do? Even though we probably won't ever sell all that we own, will we let go of what holds us back a little more today and a little more tomorrow? We'll never catch Jesus. And following his remarkable (daunting) path is as hard as ever. Nevertheless...

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

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Sunday Propers

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